lunes, 16 de mayo de 2016


ExoClick (see note below) is a Spanish advertising platform working in Europe and the US for monetizing web traffic. Advertisers can buy impressions for your ads and we, bloggers, can insert their codes so that in our blogs, or web pages, relevant ads are displayed.

How Adsense; advertisers buy impressions for your ads on our sites through auction bidding ExoClick. However, Exoclick, is mainly focused on online markets: Adults, online dating, gaming and entertainment. EnWeb and mobile.

Important note: Currently Exoclick only allows publishers, other company or autonomous. Individuals can no longer register or receive payments. Previous income to 25 September 2015 for this type of editor is also paid.

In any option to insert ads ExoClick, like LinkBucks, will ask if the ads are for adults, or conversely are "clean", in this case marked as entertainment.

1 comentario:

  1. Are you trying to earn cash from your traffic by using popunder ads?
    In case you are, have you considered using PopCash?
